查看完整版本: [-- CSSA 2009-2010年度联欢晚会 --]

克利夫兰州立大学中国学生会 || Cleveland State University -> 信息公告 -> CSSA 2009-2010年度联欢晚会 [打印本页] 登录 -> 注册 -> 回复主题 -> 发表主题

aaronzhhl 2010-02-23 14:58
CSSA 2009-2010年度联欢晚会 将于Feb 28, 2010( 本周日) 举行,欢迎各位同学及家人朋友参与

地点: Auditorium, MC, CSU
时间:4:00-10:00PM, Feb 28 (SUN)
主办: CSSA @ CSU
协办: CPEA
             The Confucius Institute @ CSU
             CSSA @ CASE

本次晚会还包含学生会主席选举(现场投票),礼品派发, 晚餐, 娱乐游戏,时装表演等,并预备丰厚的奖品。

票务:请提前到场领取(限CSU 学生),提前登记(家人和朋友)
$6/each adult, $3/child


如果你的家人和朋友参加,请首先登记所需票数: [email protected],并提供你的姓名及联系方式,然后现场交钱并领取入场券(晚餐券)
(deadline: 本周六, Feb 27)(不包含奖品)

如果您未能提前到场 或者没有提前登记,我们并不保证你获得入场券(晚餐券),同样你也可能失去抽取各种奖品的机会(50%的几率哦)

CSSA Committees 欢迎并期待您的到来与参与


2010 Chinese New Year Celebration
Auditorium, Main classroom, 1st Fl.,
Cleveland State University
4:00pm-10:00PM, Feb 28th (Sunday), 2010
Hosted by Chinese Students and Scholars Associations (CSSA) @ CSU
Confucius Institute @ CSU

Ticket info
The tickets for our Chinese New Year Gala are free; however, if you are going to taste the delicious Chinese food, you have to purchase the ticket of dinner by the following procedure:
1) Chinese Student (ONLY) will be covered by CSSA (6$ for each by Student ID)

If you have friends or family to come,
1) Register the ticket online by mailing to: [email protected]
Title: Chinese New Year Gala '09, your name/contact/student ID
2) Pay cash $6/each and take the ticket at the door of auditorium (1st Fl) MC of CSU after 4pm.
All tickets are General Admission and prices are $6 for adult and $5 for children (age<12).

Your friends and family will be very welcome in the event.

Attached is the menu of performance.

CSSA  Committees

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